Learning how to read sheet music and play guitar. Easy 12-levels game for FREE
Awesome app to learn how to read sheet music on the guitar. No ads!!!!@
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Screenshot NoteTeacher – read sheet music
See Description
Increase your note identification speed and improve your ability to read sheet music. This is a perfect tool for people learning music. The application increases in difficulty over time so that you can truly learn to sight-read music notes effortlessly. – Great for those just learning to read music as well as those challenging themselves to increase the speed at which they can read music notes and play the guitar With guitar tuner (NoteTuner)
support Basic musical nomenclature (C D E F G A B) and German musical nomenclature (C D E F G A H)
Read this about German musical nomenclature https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BACH_motif
Daniel Bejarano October 23, 2017 Awesome app to learn how to read sheet music on the guitar. No ads!!!!@
Rich Miller September 17, 2017 Great app, really helpful.
doublephd October 22, 2017 Great app. Well structured and it does help you recognize sheet musicfaster.
Roger Baker September 11, 2017 Just started using it. Seems to work ok so far. More fun than flash cards. Not sure if the fingerboard stuff will transfer easily to real guitar, but when you don’t have guitar with you it gives you something to do.
Newton Salmon Jr September 4, 2017 Simple and works well. Great space saver too.
Dave Wong June 20, 2017 good app for me..beenplaying guitar 10 years or so not knowing to read musical notes. now I can say I can read most of the notes . if fact I now can restart playing my musical book that been under the closet for years.
D F C T August 15, 2017 Great app to learn music sheets so far in level 10 and great that it does have guitar sound recognition so I can keep up practicing and extending my knowledgethank you guys
Naren SS August 6, 2017 Good progressive leaning system.. would be good to have some intro which says how timing works to get to the next level
Developer Leonid ArefevAugust 7, 2017 Always not more than 10 minutes and more than 90% correct answers to open next level
Garrett Atkinson July 17, 2017 Great for learning to read music, even does guitar tone recognition which is cool
pou Ya August 3, 2017 This is absolutely great, I didn’t expect that it will be this good and useful
Zoel Fahmee July 17, 2017 Nice apps for learning musical note
William Castrillon July 26, 2017 Great app For learning to read music
Nelson Ricardo Florindo July 13, 2017 Very good app… Very helpful with learning the notes
Harshil Choudhary August 27, 2017 Great app to learn sheet music
UnknownJune 29, 2017 Very good
Nicholle Smith May 4, 2017 I’m in love with this app except for level 10 it keeps picking up noises that aren’t there or saying the note I’m playing isn’t right when it is. But if you are looking to learn to read music this couldn’t be better. It took a few hours to go through the levels and then I pretty much have it down. If they could adjust the levels on 10 to only pick up guitar then it would be 5 star hands down.
Developer Leonid ArefevMay 4, 2017 Is tuner works for you, or its broken too?
joshua reynoso March 25, 2017 Really like it but could you add a bass clef please? That would be amazing. The design is simple, effective, and easy to use.
Developer Leonid ArefevMarch 25, 2017 Some later. It will be separate app
Тимур Дмитриев May 1, 2017 Only level 10 could be reached for free. Over 10 level it doesn’t work without a donate.
Developer Leonid ArefevMay 2, 2017 Yes. Last 2 levels will ask to donate.
Но зачем по-английски писать было?
Marcin Kałuża May 3, 2017 Awesome ? but could also use bass key practice – then it would be “usable” for piano as well
David Goyea April 12, 2017 Simple, effective…exactly what I needed!
UnknownMay 6, 2017 I learned to read music with this app. It does exactly what it says it does.
Priyanka Mahajan April 11, 2017 Great app…suggestion to add bass clef…
Ed McDougal May 4, 2017 Nice simple app.
Viendari Smith February 14, 2017 Quite useful but there is annoying inconvenience: there is no way to switch levels. Yes, you can press “level down” and move from level 7 to level 2, but you cannot get back to level 7. You have to solve all levels again up to level 7. Quite annoying.
Drexler Shazurima February 27, 2017 It’s Great! This was the first app to help me in learning. ? .But it would be better if i can put the level up and down please ?
Jaay Waay February 18, 2017 I really would really love a bass clef version with the same design.
Jon Ooten January 8, 2017 The note detection is nonconsistant to the point of maddening!You can play the same note 4 times in a row and it recognizes one but not another.Do levels 1-9 and stop!This can be be verified by trying to use the apps tuner, strum an open chord and watch as E becomes A, then G, and finally settles on the opposite E.Great fun.
Developer Leonid ArefevJanuary 8, 2017 Broken hands? Yes!
wheel of time November 23, 2016 This is a huge help! …maybe its just my phone, but I still have to press the sound button to hear the notes even if auto sound is on. Otherwise great!
Developer Leonid ArefevNovember 23, 2016 App play only one note in autoplay mode. 2-3 notes may sounds very bad
Scott Oechsle December 5, 2016 I was going to download some pdf worksheets to practice reading sheet music.Don’t bother.This app is a 1000x better.It’s rapid fire and you learn note locations fast.It then transitions to reading notes and it’s corresponding location on the guitar fret board.That’s awesome.Thanks for this great app.
Developer Leonid ArefevDecember 6, 2016 Ok
Rob Magnan November 14, 2016 Everything I need to learn basic notes on the staff. Not sure how I will equate this to the guitar fret board but this is exactly what I need for on the go staff reading.
Hai Hoang November 2, 2016 From easy to gradually and scientifically harder, very effective to memorize notes as well as mapping to guitar fred. Love it and big thanks to developers of this app!
Scott Evans November 8, 2016 The developer seems to have an attitude with anyone who makes constructive criticism so I won’t bother.shame really as this app has the potential to be brilliant.
Developer Leonid ArefevNovember 8, 2016 Its FREE. So i have no much time to update it
Dima Illin November 28, 2016 It would be great if you add possibility to lower level. I reached level 8, but feel that I need to do some levels lower to repeat.
Developer Leonid ArefevNovember 29, 2016 Open main menu and click level down item
Alex Gaspar November 1, 2016 Help me practice anywhere I go. Keeps me #
Crystal Cameron October 31, 2016 Learned to read sheet music in a week! Love this. A real brain stretcher
Carlos Jusem October 23, 2016 For beginners
Fernando Rivera December 31, 2016 Very nice app. You can practice anywhere at your own pace.
Developer Leonid ArefevJanuary 3, 2017 Thanks!
Darrell Binkley December 14, 2016 It will teach to sight read. At level three and still learning.Great!!!!
UnknownOctober 3, 2016 Grt
Colin buttler October 12, 2016 Thinking
Developer Leonid ArefevOctober 17, 2016 Днище
Awesome app to learn how to read sheet music on the guitar. No ads!!!!@
Great app, really helpful.
Great app. Well structured and it does help you recognize sheet musicfaster.
Just started using it. Seems to work ok so far. More fun than flash cards. Not sure if the fingerboard stuff will transfer easily to real guitar, but when you don’t have guitar with you it gives you something to do.
Simple and works well. Great space saver too.
good app for me..beenplaying guitar 10 years or so not knowing to read musical notes. now I can say I can read most of the notes . if fact I now can restart playing my musical book that been under the closet for years.
Great app to learn music sheets so far in level 10 and great that it does have guitar sound recognition so I can keep up practicing and extending my knowledgethank you guys
Good progressive leaning system.. would be good to have some intro which says how timing works to get to the next level
Great for learning to read music, even does guitar tone recognition which is cool
This is absolutely great, I didn’t expect that it will be this good and useful
Nice apps for learning musical note
Great app For learning to read music
Very good app… Very helpful with learning the notes
Great app to learn sheet music
Very good
I’m in love with this app except for level 10 it keeps picking up noises that aren’t there or saying the note I’m playing isn’t right when it is. But if you are looking to learn to read music this couldn’t be better. It took a few hours to go through the levels and then I pretty much have it down. If they could adjust the levels on 10 to only pick up guitar then it would be 5 star hands down.
Really like it but could you add a bass clef please? That would be amazing. The design is simple, effective, and easy to use.
Only level 10 could be reached for free. Over 10 level it doesn’t work without a donate.
Но зачем по-английски писать было?
Awesome ? but could also use bass key practice – then it would be “usable” for piano as well
Simple, effective…exactly what I needed!
I learned to read music with this app. It does exactly what it says it does.
Great app…suggestion to add bass clef…
Nice simple app.
Quite useful but there is annoying inconvenience: there is no way to switch levels. Yes, you can press “level down” and move from level 7 to level 2, but you cannot get back to level 7. You have to solve all levels again up to level 7. Quite annoying.
It’s Great! This was the first app to help me in learning. ? .But it would be better if i can put the level up and down please ?
I really would really love a bass clef version with the same design.
The note detection is nonconsistant to the point of maddening!You can play the same note 4 times in a row and it recognizes one but not another.Do levels 1-9 and stop!This can be be verified by trying to use the apps tuner, strum an open chord and watch as E becomes A, then G, and finally settles on the opposite E.Great fun.
This is a huge help! …maybe its just my phone, but I still have to press the sound button to hear the notes even if auto sound is on. Otherwise great!
I was going to download some pdf worksheets to practice reading sheet music.Don’t bother.This app is a 1000x better.It’s rapid fire and you learn note locations fast.It then transitions to reading notes and it’s corresponding location on the guitar fret board.That’s awesome.Thanks for this great app.
Everything I need to learn basic notes on the staff. Not sure how I will equate this to the guitar fret board but this is exactly what I need for on the go staff reading.
From easy to gradually and scientifically harder, very effective to memorize notes as well as mapping to guitar fred. Love it and big thanks to developers of this app!
The developer seems to have an attitude with anyone who makes constructive criticism so I won’t bother.shame really as this app has the potential to be brilliant.
It would be great if you add possibility to lower level. I reached level 8, but feel that I need to do some levels lower to repeat.
Help me practice anywhere I go. Keeps me #
Learned to read sheet music in a week! Love this. A real brain stretcher
For beginners
Very nice app. You can practice anywhere at your own pace.
It will teach to sight read. At level three and still learning.Great!!!!